CHAPTER 2: The Stonewash Tee
For the longest time I was searching for a quality acid or stone wash style t-shirt. With the hours of searching finally paying off, I was able to locate a stonewashed shirt that is honestly one of the most comfortable pieces of clothing that I own. Since the comfort is top notch, I didn't want to alter it too much and let the quality of the shirt stand on it's own. Up until this point, I had never separated the script away from the enso but minimizing the stitching was important to highlight the comfort. Shifting the script over to the left side and its placement was all intentional because I wanted it to lay on the flat part of your titty.

The shirt is light and airy so it's perfect for the summertime or warmer months of the year. It honestly feels like you're wearing nothing and let's be real, we all wanna walk around with no shirt on. With the base colors of the shirt limited, I saw an opportunity to introduce some color pop. Sports have always been a beacon of inspiration both on and off the court/field and I've been blessed to see my teams win multiple championships already in my lifetime. The San Francisco Giants World Series runs in 2010, 2012 & 2014. The current Golden State Warriors Dynasty started in 2015 and continued dominant seasons in 2017 & 2018 respectively. Last, growing up hearing people talk about the famed Oakland Solidiers AAU program always felt like some type of folklore. Stories of Lebron, Brandon Jennings and Bay legends Drew Gooden and Leon Powe made you only imagine. I never got on squad but I can always pay my respects for inspiring.
Drop #2 was a standout success and can't say thank you enough for the continued support of the brand. Nothing makes me feel better than to hear about the quality, attention to detail and the recognition of the small things because I honestly spend most of my time dotting the I's and crossing the T's. It was important to tie back my love of sports with my favorite teams in a different way and pay respects to home in the Bay Area along the way. Much love!